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What's the difference between FAR and NEAR Infrared Heating?

Talking about infrared can often cause a lot of confusion. What is infrared light? Is it like those heat sensors they use in crime dramas? Is it used in those bright patio heaters in the beer garden? Is it harmful? We hope to answer a lot of these questions in the following article!

Infrared heating is actually split into 3 different types, depending on where they lie within the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. The longer the wavelength, the deeper the light can penetrate the tissues of the body. 

Near infrared: Often used in fibre optic telecommunication, night-vision and hospitals, near IR is closest in wavelength to visible light (meaning the wavelengths are shorter than the other kinds of IR). Near-IR can reach very high temperatures and produces a red glowing light. Near IR waves are how your remote control changes the channel on the telly.

Mid-Infrared: As the name suggests, Mid Infrared heat fits nicely in-between Near and Far. It penetrates the soft tissues of the body, further than NIR, but less than FIR. It produces an orange light and operates at around 300°C.

Far-infrared: The longest wavelength within the IR spectrum, as it is closest to the microwave portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. This kind of IR is used for domestic and commercial use. The heat from far IR produces no visible light and heats your body from the inside. It is often referred to as Radiant or comfort heat, as the wavelengths can be more easily absorbed by objects and living beings. We experience this kind of heat daily from the sun. This is the kind of heat that is used in our infrared heating panels, they use reflective panels to direct the natural IR heat into your room, which can increase your temperature from your core.

Pros and Cons

Near Infrared:

Lots of health benefits. Mitochondria within our cells have receptors that respond to near infrared wavelengths. This triggers an increase in cell metabolism, protein synthesis and antioxidant activity.

One of the most significant downsides to this level of IR wavelength is that prolonged exposure can risk damage to the lens, cornea, and the retinas of our eyes by raising their temperature, causing cataracts, corneal ulcers and retinal burns. This is because our eyes are unable to detect IR radiation, unlike our skin, which communicates this overexposure in the form of pain.


Mid-infrared wavelengths penetrate the body’s soft tissue, where inflammation occurs. It expands the blood vessels and helps increase circulation, aiding recovery and reducing pain.

Although MIR produces more heat than Far-Infrared, this heat is much more superficial, as it does not penetrate the body as much. While this kind of IR gives great short time effects, its heat can eventually cause headaches and dry skin. Long-term, close exposure can also begin to burn the skin.


Now there are many reasons why FIR is used commercially to heat homes and workplaces. Far infrared penetrates deep to the core and heats from within, meaning the heat you gain from Far Infrared is gentle and long-lasting. In terms of running costs, FIR requires much less wattage than MIR heaters, and are 98.5% efficient. There are also several health benefits to FIR, as it can reach three inches into the body. These benefits include the increase in blood circulation, a boost to your immune system, relief for muscles and internal organs and reduction of chronic pain. If you’d like to read more about the health benefits of FIR, check out our article here.

Unfortunately, despite the endless benefits to your health and your wallet, Far-Infrared heating is still unknown to many people and is often confused with mid-infrared heating. Some are completely unaware of this cheaper, faster, more efficient form of heating. The good news is that we here at Infrared Heating Supplies are on a mission to change that! More and more people are discovering FAR infrared heating panels and are ditching their convection heaters for our modern, eco-friendly and attractive source of heat!


If you require any further information or have any questions, then please contact us and speak to one of our specialist technical team who will be happy to help. Call us on 01204 520544 or email us at


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