Keep the warmth in your home
Chilly winter air seems to seep through the doors, walls, letter box and cat flaps of every home during the festive season. It seems that no matter how long you leave the radiators on, there is a constant chilly wind blowing from one corner or another. Here are 5 quick tips to warm your home this winter.
Infrared Heating Panels
Subtle to the eye, and in tone with your living designs Infrared heating panels will maintain the temperature of the room, by heating up the air in the room as well as the objects such as the furniture, the walls and even the flooring and still use less electricity than a normal boiler of gas heater would.
Cover the cracks in your woodworks
Although wooden floors look lavish in winter, they can really let the heat escape so cover them up with a warm rug to prevent heat from escaping between the gaps in the floor. -
Thicker Curtains
It may seem like pointing out the obvious but curtains with a thermal lining will prevent heat loss from the windows. The thicker your curtains are in winter, the longer the heat will remain in your home. By preventing the warm air from escaping and letting cold draughts in, you won’t need to keep your heating on for any longer than it needs to be.
Draught Excluders
Invest in good quality draught excluders for doors and windows. These simple devices can block cold air from seeping through gaps, which can significantly reduce heat loss. Place them along the bottom of doors and around window frames to create a more airtight seal.
Insulate Your Loft
Heat rises, and a lot of it can escape through an uninsulated loft. Adding insulation to your loft or attic space can drastically reduce heat loss and keep your home warmer. Loft insulation is relatively easy to install and can save you money on heating bills in the long run.
For any further questions then please get in touch and speak to our technical team who will be happy to assist in helping reduce the cold in your home